Never leave empty handed


This is a good tip for anyone out there looking to buy property and one that we make sure we do every time we inspect a property.

When you go to an open house or private inspection and as a result of that inspection you are no longer interested in that property, always make sure you at least leave with something. I’m not talking about the nice looking flat screen TV or the friendly dog in the backyard. I’m talking about walking away with details on another deal the agent may have!

It is a wasted opportunity if you just walk out, which is what most people actually do. You have some face-to-face time with the agent, which is rarer than it has ever been with the internet now playing a huge role in selling property. You need to ask the agent pertinent questions.

It is amazing how often you can salvage a poor inspection by coming away with new information and a new deal to explore.

One last tip

If you liked the property you just inspected but there is one or two things that are letting it down or preventing you from making an offer, express those concerns with the agent. It might be something like the price... tell them the price you think it is worth (and if possible provide comparables to support your claim) and who knows, they may tell you something interesting like “I agree, but the owner has requested we advertise at this price for a week and see how we go”, or “since placing the ad the owner has become more realistic and your price isn’t too far off the money”.

The main thing is to ensure you never leave an inspection empty handed because if you do you have wasted a very valuable opportunity.

Investigate Property are buyers agents in the Brisbane area. This means we work full time on sourcing, negotiating and researching property. As a result we have become very good at it.

If you would like to take advantage of our expertise then click here to find out how to become a client.

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