PAMDA: Rob Balanda informs investors of the critical changes

by Rob Balanda

The Queensland Government has passed changes to legislation relating to the sale and purchase of property in Queensland.  The Real Estate Institute of Queensland has also introduced a new form of Contract for use in the sale of residential properties.  While there is much involved in these changes, below are the changes that are most relevant to property investors in Queensland.


It is split into two sections:

1. The new REIQ Contract for the sale and purchase of residential property

2. PAMDA – major changes to legislation

New REIQ Contract



The Property Agents & Motor Dealers Act (PAMDA) regulates the sale of residential property in Queensland and the Contract process.  Hats off to the new Minister for Fair Trading who is responsible for this Legislation, Peter Lawlor, who drove the following changes through Queensland Parliament.

Rob Balanda is the author of the best selling book 'Clauses Made Simple' and a leading lawyer and educator of property law to the real estate industry. Details on his company MBA Lawyers can be found at

Investigate Property are buyer's agents of Investment property in the Brisbane City Council area. For more details on membership options click here.

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